Control of a sliding block
using ComponentArrays
using DifferentialEquations
using Interact: @manipulate
using Parameters: @unpack
using Plots
Problem Setup
const g = 9.80665
maybe_apply(f::Function, x, p, t) = f(x, p, t)
maybe_apply(f, x, p, t) = f
# Applies functions of form f(x,p,t) to be applied and passed in as inputs
function simulator(func; kwargs...)
simfun(dx, x, p, t) = func(dx, x, p, t; map(f->maybe_apply(f, x, p, t), (;kwargs...))...)
simfun(x, p, t) = func(x, p, t; map(f->maybe_apply(f, x, p, t), (;kwargs...))...)
return simfun
softsign(x) = tanh(1e3x)
Component Functions
A sliding block with two different friction models
# Sliding block with viscous friction
function viscous_block!(D, vars, p, t; u=0.0)
@unpack m, c, k = p
@unpack v, x = vars
D.x = v
D.v = (-c*v + k*(u-x))/m
return x
# Sliding block with coulomb friction
function coulomb_block!(D, vars, p, t; u=0.0)
@unpack m, μ, k = p
@unpack v, x = vars
D.x = v
a = -μ*g*softsign(v) + k*(u-x)/m
D.v = abs(a)<1e-3 && abs(v)<1e-3 ? -10v : a #deadzone to help the simulation
return x
PID feedback control
function PID_controller!(D, vars, p, t; err=0.0, v=0.0)
@unpack kp, ki, kd = p
@unpack x = vars
D.x = ki*err
return x + kp*err + kd*v
function feedback_sys!(D, components, p, t; ref=0.0)
@unpack ctrl, plant = components
u =, ctrl, p.ctrl.params, t; err=ref-plant.x, v=-plant.v)
return, plant, p.plant.params, t; u=u)
step_input(;time=1.0, mag=1.0) = (x,p,t) -> t>time ? mag : 0
sine_input(;mag=1.0, period=10.0) = (x,p,t) -> mag*sin(t*2π/period)
# Equivalent viscous damping coefficient taken from:
visc_equiv(μ, N, ω, mag) = 4*μ*N/(π*ω*mag)
Open-Loop Response
To see the open-loop response of the coulomb system, let's set the input to 5
and plot the results.
const tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
const m = 50.0
const μ = 0.1
const k = 50.0
p = (m=m, μ=μ, k=k)
ic = ComponentArray(v=0, x=0)
ODEProblem(simulator(coulomb_block!, u=5), ic, tspan, p) |> solve |> plot
Closed-Loop Response
For the closed-loop response, let's make an interactive GUI. Since we are using ComponentArray
s, we don't have to change anything about our plant model to incorporate it in the overall system simulation.
p = (
ctrl = (
params = (kp=13, ki=12, kd=5),
fun = PID_controller!,
plant = (
params = plant_p,
fun = coulomb_block!,
ic = ComponentArray(ctrl=(;x=0), plant=plant_ic)
sol = ODEProblem(simulator(feedback_sys!, ref=10), ic, tspan, p) |> solve
plot(sol, vars=3)
## Interactive GUI for switching out plant models and varying PID gains
@manipulate for kp in 0:0.01:15,
ki in 0:0.01:15,
kd in 0:0.01:15,
damping in Dict(
"Coulomb" => coulomb_block!,
"Viscous" => viscous_block!,
reference in Dict(
"Sine" => sine_input,
"Step" => step_input,
magnitude in 0:0.01:10, # pop-pop!
period in 1:0.01:30,
plot_v in false
# Inputs
tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
ctrl_fun = PID_controller!
# plant_fun = coulomb_block!
ref = if reference==sine_input
reference(period=period, mag=magnitude)
m = 50.0
μ = 0.1
ω = 2π/period
c = 4*μ*m*g/(π*ω*magnitude) # Viscous equivalent damping
k = 50.0
plant_p = (m=m, μ=μ, c=c, k=k) # We'll just put everything for both models in here
ctrl_p = (kp=kp, ki=ki, kd=kd)
plant_ic = (v=0, x=0)
ctrl_ic = (;x=0)
# Set up and solve
sys_p = (
ctrl = (
params = ctrl_p,
fun = ctrl_fun,
plant = (
params = plant_p,
fun = damping,
sys_ic = ComponentArray(ctrl=ctrl_ic, plant=plant_ic)
sys_fun = ODEFunction(simulator(feedback_sys!, ref=ref), syms=[:u, :v, :x])
sys_prob = ODEProblem(sys_fun, sys_ic, tspan, sys_p)
sol = solve(sys_prob, Tsit5())
# Plot
t = tspan[1]:0.1:tspan[2]
lims = magnitude*[-1, 1]
plotvars = plot_v ? [3, 2] : [3]
strip = plot(t, ref.(0, 0, t), ylim=1.2lims, label="r(t)")
plot!(strip, sol, vars=plotvars)
phase = plot(ref.(0, 0, t), map(x->x.plant.x, sol(t).u),
plot(strip, phase, layout=(2, 1), size=(700, 800))